Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity

Defense and promotion of democratic institutions in Argentina

We warn about anti-Semitism and encourage religious tolerance.

Debating the rise of anti-Semitism in Latin America since October 7, 2023

On Tuesday, December 5, the Argentine Zionist Organization (Organización Sionista Argentina) invited to a virtual chat in which the director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center Latin America, Dr. Ariel Gelblung, and Dr. Ariel Seidler, of the Observatorio Web, offered some reflections on how the current war between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas has impacted anti-Semitism in the Latin American region.

Daniel Salvador, Ricardo López Göttig y Mónica Dawidowicz

Presentation of the anti-Semitism book in the Buenos Aires Senate

The book "Origin, myths and influences of anti-Semitism in the world", published by CADAL and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, was presented at the Senate of Buenos Aires with the participation of its author, Ricardo López Göttig, and Mónica Dawidowicz, Shoah survivor. Before the presentation, López Göttig and Dawidowicz were received by Daniel Salvador, Deputy Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires. The book was declared of legislative interest by the Buenos Aires Senate at the meeting last September 18.
Presentation of a book on anti-Semitism at the University of Belgrano

Presentation of a book on anti-Semitism at the University of Belgrano

With the participation of its author, historian Ricardo López Göttig, and a survivor of the Shoá, Monica Dawidowicz, the book «Origin, myths and influences of anti-Semitism in the world» was presented to students in the auditorium of the University of Belgrano for careers of Political Science and International Affairs. On the book, Professor Héctor Schamis wrote: «The author takes us by the hand through these topics with knowledge and creativity. A true 'tour de force' on the subject ».

CADAL participated in the I Global Forum Against Anti-Semitism in Latin America

Gabriel Salvia chairman of the Center for the Opening and Development of Latin America (CADAL) together with an intern were present at an event jointly organized by the Congreso Judío Latinoamericano, Foreign Affairs Ministry of Israel and Hispanic-Israeli Leadership Coalition (HILC).

CADAL’s project on anti-Semitism Declared of interest

Ricardo Lopez Göttig, academic counselor of CADAL, received from Representative Cecilia de la Torre, the award given to CADAL by the Buenos Aires legislature which declared of interest for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights the project on fighting anti-Semitism and promoting religious tolerance.

CADAL’s project on anti-Semitism Declared of interest

Ricardo Lopez Göttig, academic counselor of CADAL, received from Representative Cecilia de la Torre, the award given to CADAL by the Buenos Aires legislature which declared of interest for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights the project on fighting anti-Semitism and promoting religious tolerance.

Presentation of anti-Semitism monitor

With the participation as speakers of jurist Eduardo Bertoni and historian Ricardo López Göttig, CADAL presented at its office the Annual Report 2014 of Monitoring of anti-Semitic comments on media websites in Argentina. The introduction was given by Gabriel C. Salvia, president of the Center for Opening and Development of Latin America (CADAL) and co-author of the report.
Monitoring of anti-Semite comments on news websites of Argentina - 2014 Annual Report

Monitoring of anti-Semite comments on news websites of Argentina - 2014 Annual Report

The current report includes examples of anti-Semite expressions for each of the categories used, registered results and trends during 2014 and finally some reflections about the challenge the media has to face regarding the growth of intolerance on the internet.

Origin, myths and influences of anti-Semitism in the world at the University of Palermo

The fourth talk on “Origin, myths and influences of anti-Semitism in the world” was held, this time at the University of Palermo.This activity is part of the project ''Combating Anti-Semitism and Promotion of Religious Tolerance in South America'' and the talks are given by the historian Ricardo López Göttig.