Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity

Defense and promotion of democratic institutions in Argentina

Network of Entities for an Independent Justice in Argentina (REJIA).

Without justice, there are no rights

CADAL – the Center for the Opening and Development of Latin America- decided to connect the “popular initiative for independent justice and the defense of our rights“, promoted by Daniel Alberto Sabsay and Iván José María Cullen, with various organisations of the civil code. CADAL agrees with the abolishment of the mentioned laws, which are incumbent upon the Federal Congress. In this vein one prevents the arising partisanship of the justice and with that, the destruction of the Republic.

Civic Consensus meets for its first debate: Demand for the independence of the Attorney General

On the eve of the replacement of the National Attorney General, Consenso Cívico invited the following speakers: former Attorney of the National Treasury, Dr. Rubén Citara; Chamber Member and Board Member of the Judiciary, Dr. Ricardo Recondo; and the former National Attorney General, Dr. Juan Gauna.