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International Democratic Solidarity


International Relations and Human Rights Observatory


Global Latin Forum on the International Day of Democracy

The annual meeting analyzed global trends, the performance of Latin American autocracies and Argentina’s challenges in the Bertelsmann Transformation Index (BTI).

The discussion took place at the Club Alemán, in downtown Buenos Aires, and featured the panelists Hauke Hartmann, Fernando Ruiz, Dorothea Krueger and Ignacio Labaqui. To round off the event, the Cuban musicians of Atemporal Trio gave a concert to celebrate the International Day of Democracy.

Hauke-Hartmann started the panel discussion with his presentation on the Global Trends analyzed by the Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2024 and some success stories of inclusive transformation.

The second speaker, Fernando Ruiz assessed the performance of three latin american autocracies in the BTI: Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela (in Spanish).

The third presentation by, Dorothea Krueger provided an analysis of the political, economic and governance transformation processes of the Cuban dictatorship in the BTI from 2006 to 2024 (in Spanish).

Ignacio Labaqui provided some final comments, contemplating transformation challenges for Argentina (in Spanish).

At the end of the event, the Cuban musical group Atemporal Trio, composed of Mario Miguel García Piña, Noslen Porrúa and Jessica Zequeira, gave a concert to celebrate the International Democracy Day.

  • Foro Latino Global
  • Foro Latino Global
  • Foro Latino Global
  • Foro Latino Global
  • Foro Latino Global
  • Foro Latino Global
  • Foro Latino Global
  • Foro Latino Global
  • Foro Latino Global
  • Foro Latino Global
  • Foro Latino Global
  • Foro Latino Global
  • Foro Latino Global
  • Foro Latino Global
  • Foro Latino Global
  • Foro Latino Global
  • Foro Latino Global

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