Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity



CADAL assits to International Seminar organized by Plataforma Democrática: “Civil Society and Democratisation in Latin America: A critical balance”

The Chairman of CADAL, Gabriel Salvia and Programs Director, Hernán Alberro assisted to the International Seminar “Civil Society and Democratisation in Latin America: A critical balance” organized by Plataforma Democrática, Universidad Nacional de San Martín and Secretaría de Gabinete y Gestión Pública of the Federal Executive Power of Argentina.

The Chairman of CADAL, Gabriel Salvia and Programs Director, Hernán Alberro assisted to the International Seminar “Civil Society and Democratisation in Latin America: A critical balance” organized by Plataforma Democrática, Universidad Nacional de San Martín and Secretaría de Gabinete y Gestión Pública of the Federal Executive Power of Argentina.

The seminar took place at Salón MERCOSUR of Instituto Nacional de la Administración Pública (INAP), last Friday, June 26, and focused on the different problematics of civil society organizations in the South cone and their impact in the democratisation process in the region.

During the first session Gabriela Ippólito-O'Donnell, from Centro de Estudios de la Sociedad Civil y la Vida Pública (CESC) at Universidad de San Martín, referred to the Argentine case while Gonzalo Delamaza from Universidad de Los Lagos from Chile made a presentation on the development of civil society organizations in his country.

In the different sessions the works of researchers were presented. Besides the situations of Argentina and Chile, the Andean region was also analyzed focusing onthe experience of Bolivia and Perú. For this the second panel had the presentations by Fernando Mayorga from Universidad Mayor de San Simón, from Cochabamba, Bolivia and Aldo Panfichi from Universidad Católica del Perú.

Each session was followed by a discussion panel of experts who stated their questions, suggestions and doubts on the works presented. Finally there was a closing session "Comparative Perspective: Civil Society, Democracy and State" with the participation of: Guillermo O’Donnell (University of Notre Dame, UNSAM), Bernardo Sorj (Plataforma Democrática), Martín Abregú (Fundación Ford), Juan Manuel Abal Medina (Vicejefe de Gabinete de la Nación), Marcelo Cavarozzi (UNSAM), Cynthia García (Radio Continental), Oscar García (UNSAM), Marcelo Leiras (UDESA), Nicolás Manolo (AFIP), Pablo Marsal (Proyecto Transparencia de OSC) and Luis Tonelli (Revista Debate).



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