Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


Carlos Eduardo Piña
Carlos Eduardo Piña
Political scientist with a postgraduate degree in International Oil Politics and Trade from the Central University of Venezuela (UCV). Currently, he is a master's student in the International Relations program at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He worked as a researcher in the Economic Analysis Unit of the Economic and Social Development Bank of Venezuela (BANDES) between 2016 and 2018, where he began his training as an expert in relations between China and Venezuela. He has written a series of analysis/opinion articles, papers and research papers related to the study of Chinese influence in the Latin American region. He is a collaborator of the "Análisis Sinico" project of CADAL.
Carlos Eduardo Piña's publications
Carlos Eduardo Piña en colaboración con otros autores

Carlos Eduardo Piña en colaboración con otros autores

30-10-2024 | Artículos
Del pedigrí democrático de los 22 países emergentes que integran formalmente la alianza ahora, o podrían integrarla en el futuro, da cuenta el Índice de Democracia de 2023 del The Economist. Según éste, seis países (Brasil, India, Sudáfrica, Tailandia, Indonesia y Malasia) son «democracias deficientes» y otros cuatro (Turquía, Bolivia, Uganda y Nigeria) son «regímenes híbridos», que combinan características democráticas y autoritarias. Los otros 12, es decir, más de la mitad, son considerados «regímenes autoritarios».
Carlos Eduardo Piña

30-10-2024 | Articles
The democratic pedigree of the 22 emerging countries that are formally members of the alliance now, or could become members in the future, is reflected in The Economist’s Democracy Index 2023. According to it, six countries (Brazil, India, South Africa, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia) are «flawed democracies», and another four (Turkey, Bolivia, Uganda and Nigeria) are «hybrid regimes», combining democratic and authoritarian characteristics. The other 12, i.e. more than half, are considered «authoritarian regimes».
Carlos Eduardo Piña

19-12-2023 | Artículos
La Argentina de Milei es un claro ejemplo de cómo una situación de interdependencia compleja como la que ha generado la RPC con los países de ALC, no permite que un determinado líder político que haya atacado durante una campaña electoral a China mantenga este mismo discurso una vez llegue al poder.
Carlos Eduardo Piña
