Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity



CADAL recognized by Buenos Aires Legislature

Through an initiative led by Deputy Natalia Fidel, the legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires passed a draft resolution to award CADAL a protocol diploma in commemoration of the organization’s 20th anniversary. The legislature asserted that CADAL «does admirable work towards the democratic strengthening of our country. Our parliamentary work benefits from a close consultative relationship with this organism.»

The draft resolution acknowledged that CADAL is a private, non-profit organization with no party affiliation founded on February 26, 2003 in the City of Buenos Aires; that its members hail from different backgrounds, such as academics, journalism, consulting, and human rights activism; that it is a plural space where members share in the unrestricted defense of democratic institutionality and the universality of human rights; and that CADAL’s mission to promote human rights and international democratic solidarity draws inspiration from the solidarity shown to human rights activists, persecuted politicians, families of the detained and disappeared, and independent journalists during the last military dictatorship in Argentina (1976-1983).

The draft resolution was approved by a show of hands. The political blocs which oppose universal, integral, and interdependent human rights, such as the Frente de Todos and the Frente de Izquierda, abstained from voting. The right-wing libertarian bloc voted against the resolution.


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