Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity

Research Reports


Press Freedom and Economic Development in Latin America 2008

The economy Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen revolutionized the concept of development by referring to it as ''human development''. This is how liberty became a central element of the process of development. Following this path, today many authors vigorously defend freedom of the press as an elementary base for development.
By Hernán Alberro

The economy Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen revolutionized the concept of development by referring to it as "human development". This is how liberty became a central element of the process of development. Following this path, today many authors vigorously defend freedom of the press as an elementary base for development.

 Chile leads again the Press Freedom and Economic Development ranking for Latin America in

 Costa Rica suffered a strong decrease in the score but without loosing the second position in the
regional ranking.

 Peru slightly improved its position in the ranking due to the stagnation of Argentina, Brazil and
the Dominican Republic.

 Argentina and Nicaragua are those who worsen most in their positions as well as in their scores.

 Cuba continues to be the last of the region while it finds itself on global level only above North
Korea, on the bottom of the global ranking.


Hernán Alberro
Hernán Alberro
Degree in Journalism (Universidad del Salvador) and MSc in Administration and Public Policy (Universidad de San Andrés). Participated in seminars from the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) in New York, The Institute for Humane Studies and the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington DC, on freedom and administration of think-tanks. Currently works as an independent consultant assisting in international cooperation projects, fundraising and communication for national and international organizations. Former director of CADAL.

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