Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


Václav Havel Institute


Recognition for commitment to international democratic solidarity

CADAL gave recognitions to H.E. L’ubomir Hladik, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Argentina, and to the Argentine humorist Ariel Tarico.

As part of the event in solidarity with political prisoners around the world, held at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Buenos Aires, for the first time CADAL granted this type of recognition.

Sybil Rhodes, Presidente de CADAL, entregó el reconocimiento al compromiso diplomático con la solidaridad democrática internacional a S.E. L´ubomir Hladik, Embajador de la República Checa en la Argentina.

Sybil Rhodes, President of CADAL, presented the recognition for diplomatic commitment to international democratic solidarity to H.E. L'ubomir Hladik, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Argentina. Ambassador Hladik, whose mission in Argentina will end at the end of August this year, provided great support to CADAL and to colleagues from Cuba in Argentina.

In turn, Norma Morandini, Vice-president of CADAL, gave the recognition for artistic commitment to international democratic solidarity to comedian Ariel Tarico, who collaborated with his imitations in two institutional videos of CADAL, one of them “Rebelarse frente a las dictaduras” (Rebel against dictatorships).

The recognition for the commitment to international democratic solidarity carries the following phrase of René Cassin, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and one of the drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: «The fundamental rights of the human being will only be known and fully protected if, in the world, a broad movement is established in their favor. For this we need men and women of thought, reason and science. But we also need people of heart.»


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