Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity



PLEA 2008 started

2008 ''Latin American Program of Academic Extension'' was launched. It consists in a program of ten classes in charge of different speakers on subjects related to the areas CADAL deals with: Democratic governance, economics and institutions; Press freedom; and International promotion of human rights.

On Thursday, April 10, 2008 "Latin American Program of Academic Extension" was launched. It consists in a program of ten classes in charge of different speakers on subjects related to the areas CADAL deals with: Democratic governance, economics and institutions; Press freedom; and International promotion of human rights. There are 17 participants from Universidad Austral, Universidad Argentina de la Empresa, Universidad de Belgrano, Universidad Católica Argentina, Universidad del Salvador and Universidad de Palermo.

The opening class was in charge of journalist Fabián Bosoer, who lectured on "Democratic development in face of the second decade of 21st century". Fabián Bosoer is an Argentine academic and journalist; BA in Political Science (Universidad del Salvador) and Master on International Relations (FLACSO). He is author of the books “Generales y embajadores. Una historia de las diplomacias paralelas en la Argentina” (Ediciones B-Vergara, 2005) and “Malvinas, capítulo final. Guerra y diplomacia en la Argentina, 1942-1982” (Ediciones Capital Intelectual, 2007). He is also professor at Universidad de Buenos Aires and Universidad de Belgrano, Fullbright Fellow, and the gave classes at Instituto del Servicio Exterior de la Nación (ISEN). He published several articles in speciallized magazines and chapters in different books on current international relations. He serves as editorialist and editor of Clarín newspaper.



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