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The book is written by Andrzej Antoszewski, Fredo Arias King, Ewa Bujwid-Kurek, Leszek Balcerowicz, Marek Bankowicz, Zbigniew Bujak, Henryk Doman'ski, Antoni Dudek, Rafa? Matyja, Piotr Mazurkiewicz, Bogdan Szlachta, Krzysztof Szczerski, Magdalena S'lusarczyk, Kazimierz Micha? Ujazdowski, Artur Wo?ek y Maciej Zakrzewski and has a prologue by Lech Wa?e;sa, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and leader of the Solidarity movement.Edited by the Latin American Program of the Lech Wa?e;sa Institute, with the collaboration of CADAL and the sponsoring of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, the book “From authoritarianism to democracy- The Polish experience” was published.The book is written by Andrzej Antoszewski, Fredo Arias King, Ewa Bujwid-Kurek, Leszek Balcerowicz, Marek Bankowicz, Zbigniew Bujak, Henryk Doman'ski, Antoni Dudek, Rafa? Matyja, Piotr Mazurkiewicz, Bogdan Szlachta, Krzysztof Szczerski, Magdalena S'lusarczyk, Kazimierz Micha? Ujazdowski, Artur Wo?ek y Maciej Zakrzewski and has a prologue by Lech Wa?e;sa, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and leader of the Solidarity movement.In the book’s prologue “The Polish way to democracy”, President Lech Wa?e;sa emphasizes that “Poland in the 20th century shines completely different and nobody would have thought so 30 or 40 years ago. We have become the most important partner in the big European family. Our country is built upon a strong democratic base. The Polish economy is used as model of prudent economic policy. Our security is based on our affiliation to the NATO and the good relations with our neighbors”.The leader of Solidarity also says in the prologue: “We are happy about our freedom but we don’t forget the hard beginning of our way to freedom, considering that it has been an important historic lesson, especially when we have a look on other countries that are waiting for full freedom and democracy”. In that regard, in one sentence about the book that appears in the back cover, the awarded Cuban blogger Yoani Sánchez said that “If you can stand in the street and yell ‘There’s no democracy here!,without getting arrested or killed for, then you are closer to democracy than you thought. Poland has come a long way and now its citizen can applaud or question the achieved without being afraid that his word cause his arrest or death.”Below you can find the book’stable of contents. To access the digital version of the book, click here.
PROLOGUEThe Polish way to democracyPRESIDENT LECH WA?E;SAINTRODUCTIONPoland: a country in Central EuropeDR. BOGDAN SZLACHTA (PROF. DR HAB.)Authoritarianism and totalitarianism. Theoretical aspectsDR. MAREK BANKOWICZ (PROF. DR HAB.)Short schema of the political history of Poland (1989-2014)DR. ANTONI DUDEK (PROF. DR HAB.)The Polish disputes after 1989DR. BOGDAN SZLACHTA (PROF. DR HAB.) Y DR. MACIEJ ZAKRZEWSKIThe transition to democracy to PolandDR. ANDRZEJ ANTOSZEWSKI (PROF. DR HAB.)The Polish political system after 1989: a reflection about the political schienceDR. EWA BUJWID-KUREKThe Polish political elite between 1989-2014DR. RAFA? MATYJA (DR HAB.)The political parties in Poland: stabilization without legitimacyDR. ARTUR WO?EK (PROF. DR HAB.)Polish foreign policies after 1989 as an answer to the changes worldwideDR. KRZYSZTOF SZCZERSKI (PROF. DR HAB.)Social changes in Poland after 1989DR. HENRYK DOMAN'SKI (PROF. DR HAB.)The catholic church in Poland after 1989DR. PIOTR MAZURKIEWICZ (PROF. DR HAB.) SACERDOTECultural Policy of the independent Poland. History and PerspectivesDR. KAZIMIERZ MICHA? UJAZDOWSKIStabilization and reforms in extraordinary and regular politicsDR. LESZEK BALCEROWICZ (PROF. DR HAB.)Testimony. My history and my experience in the time of SolidarityZBIGNIEW BUJAKWomen in the Polish social reality. From the 19th century until todayDR. MAGDALENA S'LUSARCZYKThe surprising transition. Poland after its liberation 25 years agoDR. FREDO ARIAS KING