Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity

Research Reports

Promotion of the Political Opening in Cuba


Closed Memory The complicity of the Cuban revolution with the Argentine military dictatorship

Introduction | The role of the USSR and the PCA in the Argentine-Cuban alliance between 1976-1983 facing Jimmy Carter | Argentina and Cuba in the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), 1976-1983 | Pinochet yes, Videla no: Cuba’s role vis-à-vis the different treatment of the Argentinean and Chilean military dictatorships in Geneva | Exchange of votes at the UN reflecting «the cordial relations existing between the two countries» | How much of a human rights advocate are Argentinean organizations?
By Gabriel C. Salvia

The Memory, Truth and Justice policy regarding human rights violations and state terrorism during the last military dictatorship in Argentina (1976-1983) finds, among its exceptions, the relations during that period with the Cuban government of Fidel Castro. There are several documented examples of this de facto alliance between a communist dictatorship, the Cuban one, and an extreme right-wing and anticommunist dictatorship, the Argentine one; and since it is excluded by the traditional human rights organizations from the Memory, their partial use of it becomes evident, as does something that very few dare to question them: their biased view with anti-democratic characteristics.

Gabriel C. Salvia
Gabriel C. Salvia
General Director of CADAL
Human rights activist dedicated to international democratic solidarity. In 2024 he received the Gratias Agit Award from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. He is the author of the books “Memory, human rights and international democratic solidarity” (2024) and “Bailando por un espejismo: apuntes sobre política, economía y diplomacia en los gobiernos de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner” (2017). In addition, he compiled several books, including “75 años de la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos: Miradas desde Cuba” (2023), “Human rights in international relations and foreign policy” (2021), “Desafíos para el fortalecimiento democrático en la Argentina” (2015), “Un balance político a 30 años del retorno a la democracia en Argentina” (2013) and “Diplomacy and Human Rights in Cuba” (2011), His opinion columns have been published in several Spanish-language media. He currently publishes in Clarín, Perfil, Infobae and La Nación, in Argentina. He has participated in international conferences in Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe, the Balkans and the United States. Since 1992 he has served as director of Civil Society Organizations and is a founding member of CADAL. As a journalist, he worked between 1992 and 1997 in print, radio and TV specialized in parliamentary, political and economic issues, and later contributed with interviews in La Nación and Perfil.

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