Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


Julio Antonio Fernández: «Cuba was never willing to comply with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights»

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Oscar Grandío: «It is a farce that in Cuba there is a government accepted by the majority»

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We are with Ukraine

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Giselle Morfi: «The Cuban State has been in charge of erasing the historical memory since 1959»

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Michael Bustamante: «The Cuban exodus since the end of 2021 is unprecedented»

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David Mrnka: «Czech people owe a lot to Milada»

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Carolina Barrero: «The EU does not recognize the dimension of the Cuban dictatorship»

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C. M. Rodríguez Arechavaleta: «The last general, concurrent, presidential election in Cuba was in 1948»

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José Jasán Nieves: «Reality and humor are combined with creativity, resilience and a hard stomach»

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