Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity



Concertacion's Chile and Lula's Brazil

With the participation of Patricio Navia and Vicente Palermo, a new edition of Foro Latinoamericano Buenos Aires took place at Hotel Regal Pacific. The event began with a presentation by Navia on ''Chile, concertationist republic'' and ended with a lecture by Palermo entitled ''Thinking Brazil under the light of Lula experience''.

With the participation of Patricio Navia and Vicente Palermo, a new edition of Foro Latinoamericano Buenos Aires took place at Hotel Regal Pacific.The event began with a presentation by Navia on ''Chile, concertationist republic'' and ended with a lecture by Palermo entitled ''Thinking Brazil under the light of Lula experience''.

Patricio Navia holds a Ph.D. in Political Sciencie (New York University), Master of Arts (University of Chicago) and Bachelor of Arts (with honors, University of Illinois at Chicago). He currently is professor at the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at New York University and at Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales of Universidad Diego Portales (Chile). He is columnist of the newspaper La Tercera and Poder magazine, both from Chile. He is author of several books, among them: Que gane ‘el más mejor’: Merito y Competencia en el Chile de hoy (co-author with Eduardo Engel, 23 weeks as best-seller in Chile), and Las grandes alamedas: El Chile post Pinochet (10 weeks as best-seller in Chile). He has also published works at prestigious Journals such as: Americas Quarterly, Latin American Politics and Society, Harvard Review of Latin America, Latin American Research Network, Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Democracy, Foreign Policy, Democratization, Social Science Quarterly, Asian Journal of Latin American Studies. He is member of the Academic Council of CADAL.

Vicente Palermo is Doctor in Political Science from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He is independent researcher of CONICET, Head researcher of the Program of Political History at Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani (UBA) and of Archivo de Historia Oral at UBA, he is researcher of Centro de Investigaciones Políticas. He is author of several books, such as: Sal en las heridas. Las Malvinas en la cultura argentina contemporánea (Editorial Sudamericana, Buenos Aires, 2007); Política brasileña contemporánea. De Collor a Lula en años de transformación (Siglo XXI - Instituto Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires; 2004). He has also published “El liderazgo como capital político temporal: Lula y el proceso de adaptación del PT a la hora de gobernar” (in collaboration with Germán Feierherd); “O Brasil no segundo mandato de Lula” (with Miriam Saraiva); “Tribulaciones económicas de Lula: a mitad de camino”; “El gobierno de Lula y el Partido dos Trabalhadores”; “El escenario político brasileño: la matriz institucional y la dimensión representativa en el gobierno Lula da Silva” (with Helcimara de Souza Telles); and “Brasil, um pais do presente”.

Igor Sef, officer at Slovenian Embassy; Patricio Navia; Philomena Murnaghan, Ambassador of Ireland; and Gabriel Salvia, Chairman of CADAL.

Patricio Navia and Cecilia Lucca, consultant of National Representative Julián Obiglio.

Hernán Alberro, Programs Director of CADAL and Ambassador of Ireland Philomena Murnaghan.



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