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Argentina within the international policy of climate change

With a presentation by Matías Franchini, CADAL organized a new meeting of Foro Latinoamericano Buenos Aires with the sponsorship of Fundación Konrad Adenauer and Bodegas San Huberto. On this opportunity, Franchini analyzed ''A first approach of the place of Argentina in the international policy of climate change'' with the moderation of Horacio Fernández, Coordinator of CADAL's Business Council.

Matías Franchini stated that Argentina is a highly sensitive country to the effects of climate change because of two main reasons: first, there are regions and economic sectors highly exposed to a desestabilization of the climate system (Patagnia and Cuyo), hydroelectric energy, food production, half of the Argentine population living close to rivers, where the extreme climates will be felt strongly; and in the second place, the fact that being an emerging country is in direct confronts the needs of adaptation and mitigation with the demands of development, in a framework characterized by the scarcity of human, financial and technological resources.

Matías Franchini is analyst of the Center for the Opening and Development of Latin America (CADAL). He has a degree in Policital Science from Universidad Católica Argentina (Buenos Aires), a Masters in International Relations from Universidad de Brasilia (Brazil) and he is a member of the CLIM network (Rede Mudança Global do Clima e Sociedade) from UnB. His master's thesis was entitled "With no place in the world: Argentina within the international policy of climate change" and he is co-author with Eduardo Viola of the paper “A mudança climática em 2011: governança global estagnada e o novo perfil do Brasil, Textos Cindes N° 25”.

The Forum was moderated by Horacio Fernández, Coordinator of CADAL's Business Council, lawyer (UBA) with a Master degree in Comparative Law SMU (USA). In Argentina he worked as director of legal and public issues for Occidental Petroleum, Shell CAPSA and Total Austral. He was member of the executive committes of Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas, of Cámara de la Industria del Petróleo,  of Cámara de Empresas Productoras de Hidrocarburos and of Unión Industrial Argentina. For 10 years he was head professor of Law for Engineers at ITBA and currently he teaches for the graduate classes on Economics of Oil and Gas in the same institution. He is Secretary of the Argentine Committee at the World Council of Energy.

Martín Fraguío, Executive Director of Maizar and Alfredo Arias, Secretary of Unión Argentina de Asociaciones de Ingenieros.

Mónica Bing, from Konrad Adenauer; Dieter Cavalleri, form the Swiss Embassy; and Gabriel Salvia, General Director of CADAL.

Matías Franchini and Alfonso Nieto, from the Mexican Embassy.

Angela Rojas, Universidad Javeriana de Colombia and intern of CADAL; María Eugenia Salinas, Universidad Católica Argentina; and Clara Riveros, Universidad Nacional de Colombia and collaborator of Análisis Latino.


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