Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


Monitoring of democratic governance


Challenges for Javier Milei’s government and democratic institutionality in Argentina

CADAL inaugurated its series of events for 2024 with a presentation by political analyst Marcos Novaro on the new Argentine government, which was addressed to representatives of the foreign diplomatic corps of democratic countries in Buenos Aires.

During his presentation, Novaro referred to 2024 scenarios and perspectives for governance. The dissertation of CADAL's academic advisor included the results of surveys on the future of the economy, the evaluation of Milei's government, the image of political leaders, the reasons for the support to Javier Milei and the expectations on his governability.

Marcos Novaro y Gabriel Salvia

Novaro referred to the end of a long blockade and the inauguration of a new political majority, describing its composition and strength, the territorial distribution of the second ballot, the composition of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, the future of Peronism and Juntos por el Cambio, the chances of Milei's government and its immediate challenges: fiscal adjustment and inflationary shock.

  • Desafíos del gobierno de Javier Milei y la institucionalidad democrática en Argentina
  • Desafíos del gobierno de Javier Milei y la institucionalidad democrática en Argentina
  • Desafíos del gobierno de Javier Milei y la institucionalidad democrática en Argentina

This first meeting of the 2024 Latin American Forum Buenos Aires was attended by the ambassadors of Belgium, Chile, Finland and Switzerland, and officials from the embassies of Australia, Chile, the Czech Republic, Germany, the European Union, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Marcos Novaro

Marcos Novaro holds a degree in Sociology and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). He is currently director of the Political History Program of the Gino Germani Research Institute of the UBA, of the Oral History Archive of the same university and of the Political Research Center. He teaches "Contemporary Political Theory" in the Political Science program and is a current affairs columnist for TN. He has published numerous articles in national and foreign specialized journals. Among his books are "Historia de la Argentina 1955/2010" (Editorial Siglo XXI, 2010) and "Dinero y poder, la difícil relación entre empresarios y políticos en Argentina" (Editorial Edhasa, Buenos Aires, 2019). He is Academic Advisor of CADAL.


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