Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


International Relations and Human Rights Observatory


Presentation of «The Pink Galaxy»

CADAL, Diálogo Político and the Regional Program Political Parties and Democracy of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation organized this book presentation in the city of Buenos Aires, launching Sebastián Grunbergerg’s book on how the Foro de Sao Paulo, the Grupo de Puebla, and their international allies undermine democracy in Latin America.

The activity took place at NH hotel on 9 de Julio, located in the city center of Argentina’s capital. The opening was in charge of Susanne Käss, Representative in Argentina of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, and Sybil Rhodes, President of CADAL. Gabriel Salvia, General Director of CADAL, moderated the discussion, which included also comments of Damián Arabia, member of parliament and of its Foreign Affairs Committee.

Sebastián Grunbergerg - La Galaxia Rosa

The book argues that when the pink tide of leftist governments swept over Latin America at the turn of the millennium, many expected greater political participation. Two decades later, this democratic hope has given way to disappointment. Support for democracy is at an all-time low. The former pink tide has become a pink galaxy in which authoritarian and democratically legitimized forces mix.

Sebastián Grunbergerg - La Galaxia Rosa

For a free download of the book “The Pink Galaxy: How the Foro de Sao Paulo, the Grupo de Puebla, and their International Allies Undermine Democracy in Latin America” (available in Spanish and English) click here.


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