Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


Carlos Lauría
Carlos Lauría
Global Projects Consultant
Journalist and international press freedom expert. From September 2017 to November 2021, he headed the freedom of expression portfolio of the Open Society Foundation’s program on independent journalism, leading global activities on the safety and protection of journalists. Previously, for 15 years, he served as director of regional programs and responsible for the Americas program at the Committee to Protect Journalists. At CPJ, he led campaigns to combat censorship, fight impunity, and assist journalists under threat. He is the author of numerous reports and articles on the state of press freedom in the world. Called upon as an expert in congressional hearings and high-level conferences and panels. He began working as a journalist in Buenos Aires in 1986. In 1994, he settled in New York as chief correspondent for Editorial Perfil. Until 2020, he was a member of the jury of the Maria Moors Cabot Awards, administered by the Columbia University School of Journalism. He is a journalism graduate from Universidad Católica Argentina.
Carlos Lauría's publications
Articles | Artículos
11-08-2022 | Articles
CADAL’s Consultant on Global Projects participated in the Special Session of the CAJP on lessons learned and exchange of good practices on freedom of peaceful assembly and association, of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs. He was the only representative of civil society to point out the situation in Cuba. Complained by colleagues from the San Isidro Movement (Cuba) and La Corriente Feminista (Nicaragua), member organizations of the Coalition for Freedom of Association.

23-05-2022 | Articles
The statements of the president of the People’s Supreme Court could not be more absurd. There is nothing further from a “modern” law than the new Cuban criminal code, an archaic catalog of prohibitions, severe punishments and limitations that put an almost definitive clamp on the possibility of expressing oneself, through the press, art, any cultural or political expression, contrary to the official point of view.
