Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


Norma Morandini
Norma Morandini
Writer and journalist. She is a columnist for the newspapers La Nación and Clarin and collaborates with El País de España. She was a correspondent for foreign press. She did a special coverage on the Trial of the Military Juntas of Argentina for the Brazilian newspaper O Globo. For her journalistic work, she won several awards. National deputy from 2005 to 2009 and a National Senator between 2009 and 2015. Her legislative work was dedicated to Human Rights and Freedom of Expression. Between 2015 and 2019, Norma directed the Human Rights Observatory of the Argentine Senate. In 2011 she was a candidate for Vice President of the Nation. She is the author of several books.
Norma Morandini's publications
Articles | Artículos
16-11-2023 | Articles
Less than two months after my return from Guadalajara, I received the news of the death of the jurist, with whom I shared the panel dedicated to hate speech. I convey my solidarity with the feeling of grief and shock caused in Mexico by the loss of a being who made of his existence a testimony in favor of life, equality and respect for differences, the basis and sustenance of the legal philosophy of human rights.
