Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


Ramiro Pellet Lastra
Ramiro Pellet Lastra
Editorial Coordinator
Journalist and author. Graduated in Social Communication and Journalism at the Universidad del Salvador, with a postgraduate degree in International Relations at the Universidad de Belgrano. His experience in journalism includes the Agence France Presse -at the regional headquarters for Latin America in Montevideo-, as well as the Culture and World sections of the newspaper La Nación. As an author he published the novels No va más, El legado del Inca y La noche triste de Gardel.
Ramiro Pellet Lastra's publications
Articles | Artículos
24-05-2022 | Articles
The future of the democratic system, far from certain and in precarious balance even in countries with a long tradition, was the focus of discussion during a National Endowment for Democracy (NED) forum honoring the celebrated political scientist Larry Diamond.
