Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity

Promotion of the Political Opening in Cuba

We participate in the public debate on human rights in Cuba

Book presentation in Bogota

The book «75 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Views from Cuba» was presented at the headquarters of the Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP) with the support of Civil Rights Defenders and the participation of Juan Carlos Rincón, Pía Alvira and Gabriel C. Salvia as speakers.

Book presentation at the Universidad Iberoamericana

CADAL and Universidad Iberoamericana organized the presentation of the book »75 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Views from Cuba» with the participation as speakers of Ileana Diéguez, Alejandro Anaya, Hilda Landrove and Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Arechavaleta, and with Gabriel C. Salvia as moderator.

Request to Fernandez to intercede in Cuba for the release of political prisoners

CADAL’s request was signed by its General Director, Gabriel C. Salvia, and was addressed to Dr. Alberto Fernández, President of the Argentine Nation, and sent to the Front Desk of the Presidency of the Nation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It requests that on the occasion of the announcement of his trip to Cuba to participate in a meeting of the G77, to intercede for the release of more than one thousand political prisoners before the authorities of the Cuban government.

Decommunization processes, from imposition to debate

The difficulty of this process lies in maintaining enough balance so as not to become the exact opposite of what it is intended to combat. To not reach the point where the extremes meet: to not impose a certain attitude against what was previously imposed. To not fall into a revanchism of tit for tat. To not destroy or erase history as if it had never happened, as if the past could not bequeath lessons.

Book presentation at Westchester Regional Library

CADAL and El Toque organized in Miami the presentation of the book «75 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Views from Cuba», with the participation as speakers of jurist Julio Antonio Fernández Estrada, one of the authors of the book, and journalist Mónica Baró Sánchez.

Book presentation on the second anniversary of 11J in Cuba

Gabriel C. Salvia, General Director of CADAL, presented the book «75 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Views from Cuba» at the colloquium «For the right to truth and memory» organized by Cubalex at Florida International University in the framework of the second anniversary of the 11J protests in Cuba.

Michael Bustamante: «The Cuban exodus since the end of 2021 is unprecedented»

In this Cuarto de Hora, Michael Bustamante talks with Jorge Elías about the massive exodus of Cubans to the United States. The economic, political and social crisis that the island is going through, added to the lack of freedom, are some of the causes for this exodus. «This exodus that we have witnessed from the end of 2021 to the beginning of this year has been an unprecedented exodus. Unprecedented in terms of absolute numbers, but also in terms of percentage of the population. We are talking about around 300,000 Cubans who have tried to enter the United States alone, that does not include Cubans who have emigrated to other destinations,» says Michael.

Book Launch in Washington DC

In parallel to the 53rd General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), CADAL and Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights organized a book launch for 75 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Perspectives from Cuba in the capital of the United States.

Book launch at the Buenos Aires legislature

The the Esteban Echeverría Library of the City of Buenos Aires Legislature hosted the book launch for 75 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Cuban Perspectives.

C. M. Rodríguez Arechavaleta: «The last general, concurrent, presidential election in Cuba was in 1948»

In this Cuarto de Hora, Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Arechavaleta talks with Jorge Elías about the last concurrent presidential elections in Cuba: 1948. As of today, three generations of Cubans have not had the opportunity to participate in competitive elections with more than one list or ballot . «That crisis of legitimacy of the second government of the Authentic Party together with other problems of corruption, all the anti-system propaganda that Eddy Chibás himself made to the second government of the Authentic Party, all this was creating the conditions for wear and tear, we could say, caused by the same actors, incredible. They did not calculate the cost of that campaign and of those pacts that they broke, those electoral alliances, and that exclusion of Fulgencio Batista, and that action of breaking the rules... They did not imagine the cost that it would have in the subsequent history of Cuba,» he affirms. Carlos Manuel.

Andrea Sambuccetti: «It reflects the desperation that exists at this moment within Cuba»

Andrea Sambuccetti talks with Jorge Elías about the Cuban migratory exodus: precarious rafts with Cubans who need to leave the island are arriving daily in the United States. Andrea»s documentary »The Water Wall» reflects this reality and recounts the experience of Andy de la Torre, who tried to reach Florida 43 times. »They arrive, they are stopped by Immigration and it does not mean that they are going to stay in the United States, they have to prove credible fear to be given immigration status,» confirms Andrea.

Carlos Liscano: «When I was in Cuba I realized that this was not what I wanted for my country»

In this «Cuarto de Hora», Jorge Elías talks with Carlos Liscano about his latest book: »Cuba, it»s better not even to talk about it.» Carlos tells us -and criticizes- the position of intellectuals regarding the revolution, the persecution and repression that exists in Cuba, and Fidel Castro»s relationship with the war in the world. »In Cuba everything is war, there is no alternative to peace, to scientific, cultural creation... Cubans are all heroes... Cubans may forgive me, but I don»t wish them to be heroes,» concludes Carlos.

Another possible wave of protests keeps the Cuban government awake

The statements of the president of the People’s Supreme Court could not be more absurd. There is nothing further from a “modern” law than the new Cuban criminal code, an archaic catalog of prohibitions, severe punishments and limitations that put an almost definitive clamp on the possibility of expressing oneself, through the press, art, any cultural or political expression, contrary to the official point of view.

Forum: Cuba, a country without freedom of expression

El Mundo Costa Rica presented the forum with the participation of Karla Pérez, a Cuban refugee journalist in Costa Rica; Raúl Silesky, President of the Institute of Press and Freedom of Expression; Gabriel C. Salvia, General Director of CADAL; and Emmanuel Colombié, Regional Director for America of Reporters Without Borders.

A dubious referendum on a (slightly) revised constitution shows growing opposition to the revolution in Cuba

(The Global Americans) Given the significant numbers of votes against the reform, the results of the referendum call into question the unanimity on which Castro and the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) have always attempted to stake the legitimacy of the revolution.

The Social and Political Struggle in Cuba: Future in the Footsteps of Its Past?

In cooperation with Forum 2000, CADAL organized a panel discussion about Cuba, moderated by Gabriel Salvia, as part of the 22nd conference created by Václav Havel and that is held annually in Prague. This year, the independent Cuban artists Tania Bruguera and Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara analyzed the human rights situation in their country, focusing on freedom of cultural expression restrictions.

Opening of Laura Pollán Library

It contains books on Cuba, democracy, human rights, transitions, authoritarianism and totalitarianism. The catalogue is available on the internet and copies can be consulted in CADAL’s headquarters by appointment.

Fidel Castro and the Integrity of Estela de Carlotto in the Defence of Human Rights

(Infobae) A human rights figure cannot be indifferent towards human rights violations that take place in the remaining dictatorships nor they can ignore such evident facts to defend the indefensible.

The more things change in Cuba’s external relations, the more they remain the same in its domestic politics

As Cuba’s foreign relations undergo epoch-making change, and following President Barack Obama’s historic visit to the island in March, Havana circles the wagons of state doubling down on political centralization under Raúl Castro and los históricos.

Latin American debate on Cuba and the United States at CARI

Gabriel Salvia , Chairman of CADAL, was a speaker at the presentation of the journal “Latin American Debates” by the Latin American Center for Advanced Studies (CLEA) and Latin American Network for University Cooperation (RLCU) , devoted entirely to the restoration of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the U.S.A. The presentation was held at the headquarters of the Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI). Other participants were Jorge Castro, Patricio Degiorgis and via skype, Manuel Cuesta Morua.