Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


International Relations and Human Rights Observatory


Human Rights from the International Relations

The doctrine of human rights was concretized after a process of development of more than three centuries after the end of the Second World War and has changed the institutional panorama and the relations between actors at the international level.
By Alejandro Anaya Muñoz

Alejandro Anaya Muñoz

Human rights are a very important area in contemporary international relations. The doctrine of human rights was concretized after a process of development of more than three centuries after the end of the Second World War and has changed the institutional panorama and the relations between actors at the international level. On the other hand, regardless of its «lack of teeth», the international regime on the subject has transformed the way states relate to international bodies, transnational civil society organizations and other governments.

ALEJANDRO ANAYA MUÑÓZ  (Guadalajara, Mexico, 1970). Professor of the Department of Social, Political and Legal Studies and coordinator of the Master in Human Rights and Peace of the Institute of Technology and Higher Studies of the West (ITESO). PhD in Government and MA in Theory and Practice of Human Rights at the University of Essex, England. He is associate editor of the International Journal of Human Rights, member of the board of directors of the Mexican Commission for the Defence and Promotion of Human Rights (CMDPDH) and founder of the project for the elaboration of the database “International recommendations to Mexico in the field of human rights” (

Alejandro Anaya Muñoz
Alejandro Anaya Muñoz
Consejero Académico
Vicerrector de la Universidad Iberoamericana (México). Es doctor en Gobierno y master en Teoría y Práctica de los Derechos Humanos por la Universidad de Essex, Inglaterra, y es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de México (CONACYT). Es autor de tres libros y escribió numerosos artículos en revistas especializadas. Entre sus libros más recientes se encuentra Human Rights Crisis in Mexico, co-editado con Barbara Frey (Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018) y Derechos Humanos en y desde las Relaciones Internacionales (Ciudad de México, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, 2014). Durante los últimos años su investigación se centró en las dinámicas políticas transnacionales en torno a los derechos humanos y la influencia del régimen internacional de derechos humanos.

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