Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity

The Sinic Analysis

China deploys its economic power throughout the world and provides recipient countries with investment, loans, infrastructure and opportunities. The link with Latin America and other regions is not only economic, but also reaches other spheres such as academics, politics and the media. With its presence, Beijing exerts its influence across the globe.

The Sinic Analysis contributes to explain the complexity behind the internationalization of China, with a special focus on Latin America.

We participate in the public debate about China and its influence

Through analysis, opinion, information and other content prepared by a team of experts on this topic. With added value content, Sinic Analysis brings the reality of China closer to a Spanish-language audience interested in understanding the challenges of the 21st century power.

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Joint Statement on the Fifth Anniversary of the «Xiamen Gathering» Crackdown: Standing in solidarity with Human Rights Defenders in China


Trump’s Greenland Gambit: Outmaneuvering China in the Arctic


Parliamentary diplomacy: from libertarians to Kirchnerists, seduced by China

Photo: National Geographic

Trump’s Greenland Gambit: Outmaneuvering China in the Arctic


Parliamentary diplomacy: from libertarians to Kirchnerists, seduced by China


The overhype behind China’s Belt and Road Initiative


Deciphering 21st century China

China pursuing its interests amid the Covid-19 pandemic

China pursuing its interests amid the Covid-19 pandemic


The «Sharp Power» of China


Joint Statement on the Fifth Anniversary of the «Xiamen Gathering» Crackdown: Standing in solidarity with Human Rights Defenders in China


Participation in the 8th Assembly of the World Uighur Congress


A visit of Czech colleagues from Sinopsis


The Uighur Genocide: China’s Repressive Kingdom

Arnold Chung Chin Kiu

Arnold Chung Chin Kiu, one of the founding members of the Hong Kong Demosistō political platform
