Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


Promotion of the Political Opening in Cuba


Cuba: Renewed protests and human rights violations

Under the auspices of CADAL and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Montevideo a conference was held with a panel consisting of Camila Rodriguez, Director of Justicia 11J; Inés Pousadela, Senior Researcher of CIVICUS; Jorge Valdés, Cubanos Libres de Uruguay and Daniel Buquet, political scientist, Universidad de la República. The discussion was moderated by Gabriel C. Salvia, General Director of CADAL.

The meeting was held at the headquarters of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Montevideo, located at Plaza de Independencia 749, office 201.

  • Cuba: Nuevas protestas y violación de derechos humanos
  • Cuba: Nuevas protestas y violación de derechos humanos
  • Cuba: Nuevas protestas y violación de derechos humanos

The conference’s discussion included topics like the human rights situation in Cuba, the background of the social protests, the massive protests of July 11 and 12, 2021, the recent protests of March 2024, the situation of political prisoners and the international demands for their release.


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