Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


Greg Ross
Greg Ross
Graduate student at the School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University. He is a Research Assistant for the Argentina Project at the Wilson Center in Washington DC and a former Fulbright scholar in Paraguay and former intern at CADAL. He graduated from Chicago University in 2018.
Greg Ross's publications
Archivo | Articles | Artículos | Documents | Informes | Research Reports
07-12-2020 | Articles
On December 3, political scientist Minxin Pei delivered the 17th annual Seymour Martin Lipset Lecture on Democracy in the World. Pei’s lecture, “Totalitarianism’s Long Dark Shadow Over China,” was presented by the Embassy of Canada to the United States and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

24-11-2020 | Articles
To ensure a stable democracy moving forward, perhaps we should pay heed to some pages of our own past, and actively work to preserve our democratic dispositions. Habits, after all, are formed by practice, and can get lost over time.

02-11-2020 | Articles
In Venezuela, the decimation of economic growth destabilizes society, pushing the Maduro regime to continue its abuse of human rights and repression of dissent to remain in power. Without democratic renewal, it is unlikely that conditions will improve in Venezuela. In response, humanitarian aid must weigh the crisis’ consequences for different demographics, especially women. Targeting vulnerable socioeconomic groups requires greater coordination and deployment of existing aid infrastructure.

17-09-2020 | Articles
Recognized every September 15, International Day of Democracy is promoted by the United Nations to raise global awareness of democratic principles. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored both the fragility and importance of democratic institutions in addressing the economic, political, and public health crises facing much of the world.
