Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity

International Relations and Human Rights Observatory

We monitor, analyze and warn about the state of human rights in all regions of the world.

Foreign Agents Law in Georgia: A Wake-Up Call in an Unstable Region

The approval of the Foreign Agents Law in Georgia has resulted in protests and increased levels of political violence and polarization, with a government determined to move forward at any cost, knowing it has electoral support. Promoting fear and paranoia about supposed foreign influence resembles the Cold War more than the current reality, in which Georgia aspires to join the European Union, a bloc whose headquarters are, of course, abroad.

The Big Business of Selling Gas to Europe: A Blank Check for Increasingly More Dictators

The European Union faces a great moral dilemma. But if it intends to exert some pressure on Russia and punish its leaders for violations of international law, it is of little use if it ends up endorsing other states that commit equally serious crimes in such a sustained manner.

Photo: Ignacio E. Hutin

CADAL condemns the assassination of Aleksei Navalni

The death in prison of a former political candidate dedicated to denouncing the corruption of Vladimir Putin’s government is a clear example of the increasing level of persecution against all dissent in Russia, particularly since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Meeting with the Delegation of the European Parliament for relations with Mercosur

CADAL’s General Director, Gabriel C. Salvia, participated together with other human rights organizations in Argentina, in a meeting with Euro parliamentarians organized by the Delegation of the European Union in Buenos Aires.
Foto: X, @PM_ViktorOrban

Repudiation of Viktor Orbán’s visit to Argentina

The Hungarian autocrat was invited to the presidential inauguration of Javier Milei. All evidence shows that Viktor Orbán not only rejects the model of liberal democracy based on respect for human rights, but is part of the autocratic wave that denies the fundamental consensus reached after World War II.

Grief at the death of Jesús Ociel Baena Salcedo

Less than two months after my return from Guadalajara, I received the news of the death of the jurist, with whom I shared the panel dedicated to hate speech. I convey my solidarity with the feeling of grief and shock caused in Mexico by the loss of a being who made of his existence a testimony in favor of life, equality and respect for differences, the basis and sustenance of the legal philosophy of human rights.

The faces of resistance to the Russian government are traveling across Europe

The goal of this traveling exhibition is to draw attention to the blatant violation of human rights in Russia, to show that there are Russians who oppose Putin and the war, and that many of them are imprisoned for their ideas, subjected to torture, and held in unbearable conditions.

CADAL condemns Hamas terrorist attack

Everything provoked by the Hamas terrorist attack has our strongest condemnation.

The ball was stained: human rights before, during, and after the 2022 World Cup in Qatar

The lack of action on the part of FIFA and Qatari authorities means that Qatar continues to exhibit human rights violations and though the World Cup exposed this, in the 13 years since site selection, there has been insufficient progress in this field.

Persecuted, poisoned and condemned: Kara-Murza, the paradigm of the Russian opposition

Almost exactly one year after his arrest, on April 17th, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison. »No one should be deprived of their freedom to exercise their human rights, so I call on the Russian authorities to release the journalist without delay,» said United Nations Human Rights Chief Volker Türk.

Legislative elections mark a new disappointment for democracy in Kazakhstan

The constitutional referendum, the presidential and legislative elections, three votes in just 9 months, show that the trend is not towards renewal but rather towards consolidating a new variant of all-powerful leader.

Against repression, authoritarianism and an invisible war: the story of the Belarusian Nobel Peace Prize winner sentenced to 10 years in prison

«We feel the international solidarity from democratic countries, from our colleagues and partners around the world. That helps us to continue working hard. We are convinced that finally Belarus will become a true democratic state of Europe».

Remembrance and International Democratic Solidarity

Double standards must not be applied when judging foreign authoritarian regimes, whether the regime implements left-wing or right-wing ideology. This is a fundamental principle of human rights activism. Given that human rights are universal rights, human rights organizations should vigilantly protect human rights in all cases.

Whether Argentina wins or loses, human rights in Qatar matter

(Clarin) Argentina’s international insensibility represents, in a way, a failure of the ideals of Memory, Truth, and Justice and a general ignorance of Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: «All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.»

Qatar 2022 campaign: request to the German and Dutch national teams

CADAL extended to the soccer associations of Germany and Holland, the request already made to the Argentine Football Association (AFA) to incorporate in the official jersey to be used in the Qatar 2022 World Cup matches the logo of human rights in black, as a sign of mourning for the human rights violations in that country and of solidarity with the victims.

The facade collapses in Uzbekistan: repression marks the end of a period of transformation

Protests in early July in Karakalpakstan were harshly repressed, leaving 18 dead and more than 500 detained, according to the government, which also said protesters had attempted to occupy public buildings. Mirziyoyev went even further and, although he did not accuse anyone in particular, declared that the riots were planned for years by foreign forces, as if the civil society of his country could not question him. For a few days, internet access was blocked and a state of emergency and curfew were established.

Campaign «Qatar 2022: The ball does not stain»

CADAL asked the AFA to request authorization from FIFA to include the human rights symbol in black, as a sign of mourning, on the official jersey that the Argentine national soccer team will wear in official matches during the World Cup in Qatar, in condemnation of the human rights abuses committed in this country and in solidarity with the victims.

Declaration of the Legislature of Buenos Aires on the book The Crime of War

Last June 23, 2022, by means of Declaration 232/2022, the Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires approved the project of the Buenos Aires legislator Carolina Estebarena which states: »Declare of Historical Interest and for the Social Communication of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires the book The Crime of War, by Juan Bautista Alberdi, published in 2020 by CADAL Foundation

Passports should guarantee respect for human rights, not serve as a pretext for war

Post-Soviet republics do not have citizenship policies that are as liberal as those in the Americas. Most of them prohibit their citizens from holding Russian passports specifically, which can alienate Russian-speaking populations, even leading them to support Putin’s military interventions. This is too bad, because freedom of movement and the possibility of citizenship in democratic countries are a liberal antidote for Russian irredentism.

Democracy at a crossroads, the central theme of a brilliant forum on these turbulent times

The future of the democratic system, far from certain and in precarious balance even in countries with a long tradition, was the focus of discussion during a National Endowment for Democracy (NED) forum honoring the celebrated political scientist Larry Diamond.