English content
Presentation of the global trends and success stories of the Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2024
Ver video23-08-2024
Mental scars: Freedom and responsibility in politically traumatized citizens of the GDR
Ver video29-09-2023
Oscar Grandío: «It is a farce that in Cuba there is a government accepted by the majority»
Ver video24-08-2023
Giselle Morfi: «The Cuban State has been in charge of erasing the historical memory since 1959»
Ver video02-06-2023
Carolina Barrero: «The EU does not recognize the dimension of the Cuban dictatorship»
Ver video27-04-2023
C. M. Rodríguez Arechavaleta: «The last general, concurrent, presidential election in Cuba was in 1948»
Ver video03-03-2023
José Jasán Nieves: «Reality and humor are combined with creativity, resilience and a hard stomach»
Ver video30-12-2022
Reinaldo Escobar: «The worst thing for me, at this moment, is the lack of people’s rights»
Ver video21-10-2022
Andrea Sambuccetti: «It reflects the desperation that exists at this moment within Cuba»
Ver video23-09-2022
Carlos Liscano: «When I was in Cuba I realized that this was not what I wanted for my country»
Ver video05-08-2022
David Hoffman: «The really unique thing about Oswaldo is that he got 35,000 people to rise up against the dictatorship»
Ver video11-06-2022
Julio Llópiz-Casal: «Cuban power is interested in having a tool to threaten, incriminate and imprison, as is happening right now with Maykel Osorbo and Luis Manuel»
Ver video27-05-2022
Brian Schapira: «When dissident artists, journalists or human rights defenders have visibility, the Cuban regime tells them: jail or exile».
Ver video19-04-2022
Carolina Barrero at the delivery of the Award for Diplomacy Committed to Human Rights in Cuba, 2019-2021
Ver video19-04-2022
Bastiaan Engelhard at the delivery of the Award for Diplomacy Committed to Human Rights in Cuba, 2019-2021
Ver video02-04-2022
Bastiaan Engelhard: «We have seen a huge setback in the human rights situation»
Ver video12-03-2022
María Matienzo: «From the official discourse, there is a tendency to justify the Russian invasion»
Ver video04-02-2022
Abraham Jiménez Enoa: «The changes in Cuba are going to happen with a Perestroika»
Ver video12-02-2020
Aimara Peña: «In Cuba there is no established democracy because people do not have the power to choose»
Ver video06-02-2020
Osvaldo Navarro: «If you criticize the Cuban government, you will most likely be a victim of repression»
Ver video03-02-2020
Summary 2019 of the Project dedicated To The Promotion of Political Pluralism in Cuba
Ver video13-11-2019
Sybil Rhodes: «Migration cooperation is not a substitute for solving problems directly»
Ver video07-11-2019
Alfredo Okenve: «Guinea is a country where human rights violations are systematic»
Ver video05-11-2019
Hildebrando Chaviano: «I had a positive visibility that no opponent had achieved»
Ver video22-10-2019
Arnold Chung Chin Kiu, one of the founding members of the Hong Kong Demosistō political platform
Ver video16-09-2019
José Miguel Vivanco: «The most complex thing we face today is the rise of populist governments»
Ver video18-12-2018
José Daniel Ferrer sends a very strong thanks for sending Václav Havel biography.
Ver video16-05-2018
Outstanding recomendations from democratic countries during the UPR of Cuba in the UNHRC
Ver video30-03-2018
The heavy hand of the security services on media outlets and arrests of journalists in Uzbekistan.
Ver video30-09-2017
Testimony of Radwan Ziadeh, Director of the Center for Human Rights Studies in Damascus, Syria
Ver video08-06-2017