Derechos Humanos y
Solidaridad Democrática Internacional


Juan Pablo Cardenal
Juan Pablo Cardenal
Editor de Análisis Sínico
Periodista y escritor. Entre 2003 y 2014 fue corresponsal en China de sendos diarios españoles, especializándose desde 2009 en la expansión internacional del gigante asiático. Desde entonces ha investigado dicho fenómeno en 40 países de 4 continentes al objeto de entender las consecuencias de las inversiones, infraestructuras y préstamos chinos en los países receptores. De dicha investigación han resultado tres libros, de los que es co-autor con otro periodista, entre ellos “La silenciosa conquista china” (Crítica, 2011) y “La imparable conquista china” (Crítica, 2015), traducidos a 12 idiomas. Desde 2016 ha dirigido proyectos de investigación para entender el poder blando chino y la estrategia de Pekín para ganar en influencia política en América Latina, lo que resultó en la publicación de varios informes. Ha impartido también conferencias en distintas instituciones internacionales y ha publicado capítulos sobre China en libros que abordan dichas temáticas, además de haber contribuido con sus análisis y artículos en El País, El Mundo, Clarín, The New York Times, Project Syndicate y el South China Morning Post, entre otros. Su última obra es “La Telaraña” (Ariel, 2020), que aborda la trama internacional de la crisis política en Cataluña.
Publicaciones de Juan Pablo Cardenal
Articles | Artículos | Informes | Libros | Research Reports
27-05-2024 | Articles
Being forced to leave behind –at the age of 27, perhaps forever– her country, family and dreams seems a heavy price to pay. What sparked the authorities’ fury against Rei was her participation, in late 2022, in a silent protest in Shanghai against the Covid restrictions, in which attendees displayed blank sheets of paper. Such conduct is not a criminal offence in the free world, but it can change the course of a life in China. Talking is forbidden. So is silence.

20-03-2024 | Articles
The promulgation of the National Security Law that develops, according to Article 23 of the Basic Law (the so-called mini-Constitution of the island), the crimes of treason, secession, sedition, or subversion against the central government, among others, somehow culminates the involution of a Hong Kong finally brought back to the discipline of the Chinese Communist Party.

29-11-2023 | Articles
Milei has the opportunity to demonstrate, in terms of his China policy, that defending Argentine interests and, at the same time, principles, should be compatible objectives.

10-04-2021 | Articles
In a context of a general lack of knowledge about China in Latin America, it is not only that there is no such thing as a Chinese-style democracy; it is that it is a mistake to believe that the Chinese model is better just because it may be more effective. Democratic systems are neither infallible nor perfect because they’re based on freedom, checks and balances, rule of law, participation, transparency and human rights. And China's effectiveness stems precisely from the absence of all these attributes.

13-12-2016 | Articles
The perception that China rewards loyalty is wrong. Not only is it doubtful that kowtowing to China will bring short-term benefits but, on the contrary, it is rather quite possible that we’ll end up paying a high price for such policy in the future. If today’s decisions are shaping our future, then granting China with market economy status will surely be a nail in the coffin for Argentina.
