Derechos Humanos y
Solidaridad Democrática Internacional


Manuel Cuesta Morúa
Manuel Cuesta Morúa
Historiador, politólogo y ensayista. Portavoz del Partido Arco Progresista, Ha escrito numerosos ensayos y artículos, y publicado en varias revistas cubanas y extranjeras, además de participar en eventos nacionales e internacionales. En 2016 recibió el Premio Ion Ratiu que otorga el Woodrow Wilson Center.
Publicaciones de Manuel Cuesta Morúa
Archivo | Articles | Artículos | Diálogo Latino Cubano | Informes | Latino-Cuban Dialogue | Libros | Research Reports

Ver publicaciones de Manuel Cuesta Morúa en colaboración con otros autores

03-06-2020 | Research Reports
Compared with other reports on Cuba, the Bertelsmann Transformation Index (BTI) has several noticeable advantages. The first is that it is a comprehensive report,embedded in three pillars: economics, politics and governance. The second is that it captures trends, whereas more reports are static. The third is that it considers themes through indicators, which most reports ignore. And as it is issued every two years it makes it possible to know the consistency (or lack, thereof) of the transformation and its rhythm. The following up. Has Cuba been transformed in 14 years (2006-2020)? Reading the report, it can be concluded that it has, whilst a new concept is introduced: that of static transformation –a sample of changes that leave the structures of a society intact–.
