Derechos Humanos y
Solidaridad Democrática Internacional


Adrián Lucardi
Adrián Lucardi
Consejero Académico
Es profesor asociado de tiempo completo en el Departamento de Ciencia Política del ITAM (México). Licenciado en Ciencia Política por la Universidad de San Andrés (Buenos Aires) y doctor en Ciencia Política por la Washington University in St. Louis (Estados Unidos). Su trabajo fue publicado en The Journal of Politics, British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies y Legislative Studies Quarterly, entre otros.
Publicaciones de Adrián Lucardi
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23-06-2009 | Documents
This document intends to analyze the functioning of the “economic model” in the provinces, reflecting on the political impact which the current economic crisis could have there. The leading argument is that, since the country overtook the 2002 crisis, the provincial governments adopted a pro-cyclic model that is based upon a constant increase of public spending and public sector employment, which will enforce a cutback on expenditures, starting on June 28th.

14-04-2009 | Documents
The most alarming issue within the President’s speech is her conception of economics: “Economics – as you all know - is, precisely, to administer with the disposable resources and the contributions at hand. Always within economy it occurs that what some people receive is taken from others, because the only one who could multiply fish and bread was Jesus Christ, the rest has to make decisions based on the disposable resources.”
